Jacques Tati, tombé de la lune在线观看

Jacques Tati, tombé de la lune

  • 上映年代:2021  
  • 别名:The rise and fall of Jacques Tati
  • 地区:法国
  • 更新时间:

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《Jacques Tati, tombé de la lune》又名The rise and fall of Jacques Tati。

The wild rise and fall of the comedy genius, actor, director, and laughter athlete Jacques Tati—or how the creator of the famous Monsieur Hulot stole the heart of the French, and then of the world, through laughter, leaping from one success to another, rising always higher—until he flew a bit too close to the sun. A fascinating dive into the creative process of this extraordina...


Mr. Lei 2022-03-26

【40th FIFA】篇幅最多的是《玩乐时间》,全面搭景而成的杰作

惊奇少侠 2023-04-29

信息量其实不大,总体来说比较general,类似内容可看罗森鲍姆对jour de fete的影评,里面提到的很多信息和本片都是重合的

北投少年他 2022-03-26

#40th FIFA# 《我的舅舅》获奥外,塔蒂第一时间去见偶像基顿和劳埃德。塔蒂和他的于洛闪耀影坛,却因《玩乐时间》拍摄遭遇意外引发经济危机和健康问题。看纪录片才发现《玩乐时间》用了那么多人形立牌。塔蒂先生,如今我们都爱你的Play Time!